Latest Developments
Microsoft Team Integration - June 2020
Given the widespread adoption of MS Teams, support has been built into our headset-based Operator software
so as to enable full augmented-reality video and audio streaming from the operating theatre to remote users.
As with any other Teams meeting, remote users can also contribute, either giving advice and support to
a junior colleague in theatre, or to ask questions if being taught.
Improved Registration Accuracy - January 2021
Using the latest HoloLens 2 headset, initial testing using 'phantom' heads has demonstrated improvements in
registration accuracy and we can now achieve accuracy within 2mm for surface anatomy. We aim to reproduce
similar accuracy figures in clinical testing in the coming months.
iOS/iPhone Viewer App - April 2021
To complement the Operator Headset software, we have developed a Smart-Phone App that, using the same surgical
plan generated from the Planner App, can be used to view the patient's anatomy in 3-dimensions. The model
can be explored by physically moving the phone around it, as well as tissue layer visibility being adjusted and 2-dimensional
source images visualised for referring back to. This can be used for discussing pathologies and treatments with patients,
for pre-operative planning, and in theatre by observers who can visualise the intracranial structures in the same way as the
operating surgeons wearing HoloLens headsets.
Further developments will be posted here in due course