Operator Software

The headset-based Operator application loads the surgical plan generated by the Planner Software to visualise it as a 3-dimensional hologram, either for exploring the anatomy or to guide surgery in theatre.

Clinical Testing

Initial testing of accuracy in clinical use has been undertaken with the Department of Neurosurgery at Hull Royal Infirmary, followed by further accuracy testing at Cambridge University Hospitals. We are in the process of patenting the registration algorithm and believe we have reached the limits of what current augmented-reality devices can technically acheive.

Holographic Rendering

Our HoloLens-based Operator software application loads the surgical plan and renders the tissue, defined objects and points as a 3-dimensional hologram.

Visibility and transparency of skin and bone tissue layers and underlying structures can be changed through simple voice commands.

Review of Surgical Model

The hologram can be moved, scaled and rotated with simple hand gestures to visualise patient anatomy.

Axial, coronal and sagittal cuts can be displayed in-situ and dragged into position for combined interpretation with source imaging.

Registration to Patient

Using voice commands and a pointer the holographic head is ‘registered’ to be positioned to match the location of the patient's head to within 2mm surface point accuracy.

Using the pointer, intracranial structures can be located with feedback on their depth from the surface of the skin. This enables simple and accurate incision, burr hole, craniotomy, drain and ventricular catheter planning.

Example In-App Videos


Remote Collaboration

With a Wi_fi connection and using Microsoft Teams integration, audio and video can be shared securely with remote colleagues.

Remote users can run Microsoft Teams through the dedicated app or a modern Internet browser on any supported device, such as a laptop or smartphone. Remote users can see exactly what the surgeon sees, including the augmented-reality content, and speak directly with the surgeon.

Applications include collaboration to pool expertease on complex cases, remote supervision of juniors and live teaching.